Beach SAMP Shares Progress With Stakeholders

Shared on behalf of Rhode Island Sea Grant.


The article by Rhode Island Sea Grant is an overview of the Beach SAMP Stakeholder Meeting held on July 14th at the URI Bay Campus.  The stakeholder meeting was held “to present the draft outline of the management plan, share details on the public process, and give updates on ongoing research and tool development.”  Brian Oakley, Jon Boothroyd, James Boyd, and Caitlin Chaffee were among the presenters at the stakeholder meeting who shared their work with the audience.

The stakeholder meeting also provided a forum to describe the draft outline of the Table of Contents.  “Volume One of the document outlines local areas at risk from erosion and sea level rise, adaptation strategies, and the legal issues surrounding the plan. Volume Two highlights the plan’s technical research reports and an overview of the changes to the CRMC regulatory process resulting from the Beach SAMP.”  To read the full article click here.

The draft outline of Volume One and Two are now displayed publicly and are open to public comments through the Beach SAMP website.  To view the draft outline of the management plan and leave a comment click here.